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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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week 6 analysis skill assessment

week 6 analysis skill assessment

Q Instructions You will analyze the findings of two skill assessments, Authentic Leadership and Servant Leadership. Take the Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire in Northouse (2016) on pages 218-219. Next, ask two people who are familiar with your leadership to complete the Servant Leadership Questionnaire in Northouse (2016) on pages 250-252 and share their responses with you. They will assess your level of servant leadership. Respond to the following questions: Describe the findings of both skill assessments. For Authentic Leadership, how did your scores compare to your expectations? For Servant Leadership, how did the perception of your servant leadership compare to what you believe about yourself? Of the seven leadership behaviors of servant leaders, recall a situation where one or more of the behavior were demonstrated. Identify your weaker Authentic Leadership component, what is one way you can begin to strengthen this area of leadership? Reference: Northouse (2016) Leadership theory and practice (7th ed) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications.

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1. It was really interesting to do the authentic leadership questionnaire for I did not know that I had such things in me. According to the assessment I have good self-awareness and moral practices but quite need to work on the relational part and balancing everything. On the other hand, the servant leadership assessment